
HOKA ONE ONE Schuhe für Sportler und Hobbyläufer bieten optimalen Schutz und helfen dir, deine Performance zu verbessern. Sie begleiten dich ins Gelände, auf die Straße und auf die Yogamatte, damit du deinen Lifestyle in vollen Zügen leben kannst.


Attributionszeitraum (Cookielaufzeit)

30 Tage


Hoka DE Partnerprogramm

"The idea for HOKA came from Jean-Luc and Nico on remote mountain trails."

The most radical changes often arise from the solutions to the simplest problems. Originally, we only wanted to improve times in endurance runs and develop a shoe that allows you to progress faster downhill. In doing so, we unwittingly reinvented the running shoe.

Our new shoes were also a hit uphill. And down again. And up again. Helping athletes run hundreds of miles in demanding conditions benefits all types of runners.

Even if we beat our way through the terrain at night, our daily work was about completely different sports. Some great innovations in snow sports and cycling are our responsibility - for example the carving ski. Every day we were confronted with the question: "How can we get even faster?" In these gravity-dependent sports, form follows function and we have also taken this approach to heart with the cross-country running shoe. The result was a shoe that wasn't initially taken seriously by traditional running shoe manufacturers. It doesn't matter because the runners loved him! And they won all kinds of races. This eventually caught the attention of the industry.

Our design philosophy isn't just inspired by running, it's inspired by surfing, skiing and cycling. All of the patented elements we built into the original are still in every shoe today. That's what makes the HOKA® difference.

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Promote HOKA with:

• World-class tracking and support from AWIN 

• A team of business partners who want your success

• High-quality, high-performance originals with good market positioning so you can get started right away

• Our wide range of banners in different sizes

• Regular product updates with high-resolution images and detailed product descriptions


Promote HOKA links

Pay per click:

Bidding on HOKA affiliated keywords is prohibited (except by prior arrangement with HOKA). The Brand reserves the right to cancel commissions for this period at its sole discretion. We also reserve the right to remove an Associate from the program. 


Direct links to the HOKA website are not permitted.

Partner sites must not claim to be the "official" or "authorized" site (similar designations must also be avoided).


Domain Restrictions

Affiliate sites may not register similar or misspelled trademark domain names. Any actions to this end will result in non-payment of commissions.

You agree not to box the HOKA website or use hidden URLs.